21-23/09/2018 – Belgian National Convention in Arlon : special registration prices for group available until the December 31st!
Belgian National Convention in Arlon, September 21-23th 2018: special registration prices for group available until the December 31st!
Dear JCI President, Dear JCI members,
We kindly like to remind you the special prices proposed for groups to register for the NCN 2018 in Arlon available until the 31/12/2017. Conditions to fulfill:
- Registration for minimum 10 persons
- Registration date maximum: 31/12/2017!
- Payment date maximum: 15/01/2018!
For less registrations, regular prices are still available:
Looking forward to welcome you on this amazing convention in preparation!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to check our website on http://www.ncn2018.be or contact us on to ncnjci2018@gmail.com.
Enthusiast regards,
Your National Convention Team
David – Laurence – Grégory – Cindy – Cécile – Luc