The JCI Belgium #GlobalGoals Awards

The JCI Belgium #GlobalGoals Awards


For decades, Junior Chamber International (JCI) has been recognizing individuals from all over the world between the ages of 18 to 40 for their outstanding contribution towards the betterment of society through the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Awards program.

On a yearly basis, this international awards program celebrates many unsung heroes who, by way of their artistic, academic, technological skill or by means of their entrepreneurial, environmental, moral leadership and human rights activism have made a sustainable positive impact in our communities.

Although the TOYP Awards program remains the official program at an international level and a very effective one, this year JCI Belgium took a proactive approach in recognizing the fact that, if we are to truly encourage civic society, world & business leaders to seriously take into consideration the Global Goals in their actions and strategies, then due visibility is required. We believe that there are many inspiring individuals out there who, consciously or unconsciously, are working actively towards achieving these goals.

This awards program remains within the spirit of the TOYP program and hence nominees would still have the chance to be recognized internationally.

Awards Categories:

Category 1: Impactful Politics Award: All persons between the ages of 18 and 40 who are active at a political level in their communities, whether through being elected as a representative on the local council or affiliated with a political organization/pressure group that is actively working towards any of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Category 2: Impactful Reporter Award: This award recognizes coverage by news journalists, bloggers, writers or photographers that, as a result of their work, have made an impact in one of the following areas: increased public awareness of the SDGs, the principles of democracy, sustainable development, universal human rights, environmental protection, social justice, equality & dignity of all people worldwide.

Category 3: The SDG Conscious Artist Award: This award recognizes artists (visual, literature and performing) whose practice brings about a social consciousness through their subject matter, or through any of the materials they use. The work of art should promote the principles of democracy, sustainable development, universal human rights, environmental protection, social justice, equality & dignity of all people worldwide.

Category 4: Healthy Lifestyle & Wellbeing Award: This award recognizes and celebrates individuals who create activities, strategies & products that empower the communities’ and individuals’ health as well as address the wider social determinants of health

Category 5: SDG Conscious Technology Award: This award recognizes individuals that have created some form of technology/application to achieve any of the SDG objectives.

Category 6: Environmental Sustainability Award: This award recognizes professionals or business persons that follow sustainable practices in line with the SDGs.

Category 7: Quality Education Award: This award recognizes outstanding efforts of individuals, organizations engaged in activities or contribution to the education such as; improving the performance and effectiveness of students (outside school hours). Anyone who spends their time teaching students (outside school hours) through projects or otherwise topics which include the respect for human rights, the environment, peace and tolerance and cultural diversity or any other Sustainable Development Goal.

Category 8: Outstanding Young Active Citizen: This award recognizes young individuals between 18 and 40 years of age who, out of their own initiative and dedication are contributing in some way to the promotion of the SDGs, promoting the principles of democracy, sustainable development, universal human rights, environmental protection, social justice, equality & dignity of all people worldwide.

General Rules of the Nomination Process

1. Anyone including friends, family& colleagues can nominate individuals for these awards

2. Nominees must be between the ages of 18 and 40.

3. The nominee must be Belgian or a long term resident in Belgium.

4. Nominees do not need to be members of JCI.

5. Following submission, the nominee shall receive a copy of the nomination form from the Awards committee to verify that the details and facts contained in the form are correct and provide consent for his/her details to be published for public viewing. 9. Photographs ,audiotapes, videos can be used during the judging process for certain categories & as proof of the nominees work. If a candidate is selected as one of the ten international honorees, however, these items will be requested by JCI World Headquarters.

Nominee Verification Form (to be completed by nominee upon request of the awards committee and submitted by 1st March 2017):

Nominee’s Full Name:
Education (Degrees, Academic Honours, etc):
List your most important published works and a brief description of each:
Outline the timeline your career of field of activity:
Provide a list of any awards and/or honors you have achieved. Include a brief description of each. Include any quotations that illustrate the nominees achievements.

I attest to all facts contained in my nomination form and give permission for the facts to be used for publication. In agreeing to accept the Award, I understand that, barring extreme circumstances, I am required to be present for the Awards Ceremony to be held later on this year. Should I be short listed to receive an international ward by JCI at the World Congressin2017,I shall make myself physically present to receive the award. In the event that circumstances prevent my attendance, I must present the conditions to the President of JCI for a decision on the continue deligibility of my nomination.

Name of Nominee:
Signature of Nominee:

6. Nominees must be willing to promote the ideals of JCI for the year after winning the award.

7. Each nominee must be entered in one of the following categories:

• Impactful Politics Award • Impactful Reporter Award • Healthy Lifestyle and Wellbeing Award • The SDG Conscious Artist Award • SDG Conscious Technology Award • Environmental sustainability Award. • Quality Education Award • The Outstanding Young Active Citizen Award

12. All nomination forms are to be received by 28th January 2017. They should be send to

The Judging Process

After the deadline for submitting nominations has expired (28 January 2017), all nominations will be screened by a JCI Belgium appointed sub-committee to ensure that the general rules have been adhered to and all details listed in the nomination form are valid and correct. The judges will asked to base their decisions on three general criteria: (1) How well the nominee exemplifies the principles of the Global Goals and JCI Values; (2) How the person’s achievement may have benefited his or her community, nation or the world; (3) How the person’s achievement or leadership may have inspired others. Judges will select the top ten finalists by assigning 10 points to the top candidate, 9 to the first-runner-up and 8 to the third-runner-up and so on. The nominees with the most cumulative points will be recognized as the honorees. A maximum of 10 honorees will be awarded.



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